The Toji team united once again with Terraverde construction crew and the rest of the Dos Colinas community to continue our ongoing reforestation efforts. Today we watched a film on the diverse ecosystems of Costa Rica, and then spent the rest of the day planting a variety of trees on our property and along the street front. Our reforestation days are a concerted effort that derive a great number of benefits to the land and our people. We are not only helping to restore the soil and the ecosystem by planting native trees, we are capturing carbon to help offset our visitors’ travel impact. If you have ever paid to stay at Toji, a portion of your payment is dedicated toward reforestation efforts, both our own local efforts and the reforestation programs of of the Maleku tribe (Toji is the Maleku word for sun). Within our own community building efforts, the reforestation days also provide education, team-building, new homes for wildlife, and even increase the value of lots for sale (designing further privacy to specific lots). Our Community Reforestation days are days where the balance between people planet and profit that our community is striving for is front and center!
“Humans working together toward something they believe in is one of the most powerful forces of Nature.”
Kevin, Evelin, and Sergio planting a tree, sprinkling some fresh compost to help support a health transplant.
Plant a TREE While at TOJI
As a part of your stay with us, we can design a tree planting experience for you that will memorialize your stay and make you and your retreat mates become a direct part of the solutions we are executing here at Toji. We will pick a species that represents your group’s energy and you can even name the tree so when you come back and visit you can check in on your tree’s growth and health.
Jay and the team prepare some saplings for today’s reforestation efforts.
Kappa Tau Sisters planting a Guinep tree named “KT” on the grounds of Toji during their immersive nature retreat.
OG Capitalism Principle: Work is Human in Nature
Working hard with people you like, with a collective mission you are proud of…that is a powerful force of nature. Work gets a negative connotation because in our broken capitalistic society it is usually presented as a way to pay the bills for the home and things you want.Work sucks then you die mentality.But that’s sure not what it feels like when you are out planting trees, building a home, cleaning a beach.Work connects, Work gives us pride, Work moves,it certainly doesn’t suck.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cu his justo ornatus oporteat, ea eius erant qui, in alia congue eos. Usu iusto vidisse mentitum cu, sed periculis adipiscing id.
Offering a truly unique blend of sustainability and comfort, a week at TOJI is an immersion into nature, harmony, and self reflection. Explore the wildlife trails on our private reserves; observe the budding regenerative farming operations, or just relax and reflect in our saltwater infinity pool that overlooks it all.
Laura Dern
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cu his justo ornatus oporteat, ea eius erant qui, in alia congue eos. Usu iusto vidisse mentitum cu, sed periculis adipiscing id.