Toji’s Team Pitches in on School Roof Repair

We got a report from someone on our team that the local school was long past due for a repair on it roof.  Water was leaking into the classroom every time it rained.  Home to under 20 students, at times the school is an afterthought in regional education budgeting.  This is why we felt it was especially important to help when we heard the roof was leaking in on the kids while they were in class.   

“Being able to give the local school in Esterillos Centro a new roof, by donating a few days of work and excess construction materials was one of our most rewarding experiences, and a perfect example of how to sustainable development practices.

It is important that our mission to build a sustainable community around a more circular type of economy does not stop within the property lines of our community.  Helping and supporting the surrounding community and people is imperative to help move the overall human quality of life to a better place tomorrow than it is today.  Most of our workers and their families live outside of Dos Colinas and some of their children attend this small school in Esterillos Centro.  

Mao, Gerald, Kevin, Johnny, and Jay work to get new sheets of roofing installed on the small one-classroom school.

Helping build a better future.

It was great that Mao, within the scope of his work, was able to help repair the school where his two sons attend.  This experience gave all of us a sense of pride and purpose, as we know we are a small part of giving the local children a better school experience.  Education is key for our guests and for our team.  We are lifelong learners, and the more we can support learning, the better place the community will be! 

Comments (2)

  • Laura Dern

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cu his justo ornatus oporteat, ea eius erant qui, in alia congue eos. Usu iusto vidisse mentitum cu, sed periculis adipiscing id.

    • Kevin Wels

      Cu nam decore petentium, cum no dico laudem. Duis postulant an est, doming quaestio efficiantur vel ex, cibo discere repudiare quo.

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